
The Thompson Marsh Preserve encompasses 4.5 hectares (11 acres) of coastal salt marsh and gravel barrier beach peninsula near Chance Harbour, on the Bay of Fundy. The preserve is located less than 1 km from the Nature Trust’s Belding’s Reef Nature Preserve, and within several kilometres of the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s Round Meadow Cove Preserve.


Located on the preserve is an old cemetery, no longer used or visibly maintained. The cemetery contains several picket fences enclosing small grave sites, old grave stones and a monument indicating those buried therein. As well, several old fishing boats and a barge lie abandoned on the shore, adding to the cultural interest of this preserve. Mrs. Verna Thompson donated the property to the Nature Trust in 2004 so that, in her words, “this piece of land could be left in its natural state as it is now for all who are interested to explore and enjoy in the years to come.”



The preserve contains two pieces of land separated by a salt water marsh. The piece next to highway 790 is largely marsh, containing only a small clump of trees next to the road. A small creek, known as Belding’s Creek, runs under the highway and through the preserve, draining into Little Dipper Harbour. The second piece of land contains half of a barrier beach peninsula that encloses the marsh and inter-tidal area. This long and narrow spit of land is covered with gooseberry shrubs and clumps of white and red spruce. At low tide, Belding’s Creek flows past the end of the spit into Little Dipper Harbour.

Access and Activities

Access to the Northern portion of the property is easily gained by the 790 Highway, as the preserve sits approximately 500 m west of the turn-off to the Belding’s Reef Nature Preserve.  Access to the peninsula portion is slightly trickier: it can be reached at low tide by parking across from the peninsula on the road leading to Crow Island, and then fording the shallow stream that drains out of the marsh area.  This is not possible at high tide.  Alternatively, permission could be sought from the neighboring landowner to approach the end of the peninsula from the 790 HWY.

In all cases, parking is on the side of the road, and is not suitable for numerous vehicles.

*The property is undeveloped and there are a variety of hazards and risks associated with accessing this preserve. While this nature preserve is open for public access, visitors must assume responsibility for their own actions and safety and are to use the land at their own risk.