

Michael McEwing is an artist and art educator currently working in Carleton County, NB, Canada. He received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Mount Allison University and also holds Bachelor of Education (Secondary Arts – Fine Arts), Bachelor of Arts (Multimedia) and Master of Education degrees from the University of New Brunswick.

Michael creates in a variety of art mediums, including oil and acrylic painting, printmaking and mixed media. He has exhibited in various solo and group shows across the province. His most recent project, Conservation on Canvas, consists of a large series of oil paintings depicting Nature Trust of New Brunswick preserves. This exhibition toured the province in 2017-18.

He strives to promote the arts in his community and within the field of education. He has worked as a Visual Art teacher and Fine Arts Lead in Anglophone West School District and conducts art and art education-related workshops throughout the province. In 2008, he co-founded the River Valley Arts Alliance (RiVA), whose flagship event is the annual Dooryard Arts Festival in Woodstock.

Learn more about Michaels art at mcewing.ca or visit conservationcanvas.weebly.com to learn more about the Conservation On Canvas project in partnership with Nature Trust.

Favourite Nature Preserve: Michael says that it is very difficult to choose just one, as each preserve is so unique and special in its own way and he is still on a mission to visit all the preserves in the province. He would, however have to say that Beardsley Hill Nature Preserve is quite dear to his heart because it is closest to home.

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