Land stewardship is about upholding our responsibility to care for the land around us in a way that preserves all of its values, whether they are environmental, economic, or cultural. When it comes to private land, we often focus only on economic value, with environmental values coming second. Fortunately, we don’t need to make large sacrifices to bring better balance to how we manage the land and the property we own.

The Nature Trust has a program that helps landholders work toward this balance. The Conservation Partner Program is a voluntary program that supports private landholders who want to maintain the unique environmental values of their property, like wildlife habitat, sensitive natural areas, or rare species. Participants in this program benefit from the trained expertise of Nature Trust staff, who provide support and guidance to help them toward this goal.


Conservation organizations like the Nature Trust cannot preserve all of New Brunswick’s natural ecosystems or sustain all of the unique habitats and wildlife species alone in our province. We all share in the responsibility to care for this land, and we can all be part of the conservation effort in our own way.

We know that private landholders care deeply for their land; this connection makes them ideal stewards of the areas they know and love so much.



Do you have questions about the wildlife you’ve seen on your land, or you’re looking for advice about different ways to manage your woodlot? If so, please contact us, and we can arrange to survey your property with you and provide advice about activities and practices that match with the environmental goals you have for your land.  

Stewarding your land for wildlife and other environmental values can be as simple taking a hands-off approach with as little interference as possible, or it could mean making some simple changes to how you’re currently managing things. The Nature Trust is committed to supporting you in this process and helping you take part in the Conservation Partner Program.

We can offer guidance about:

  • Sharing your land with Endangered species

  • Native plants, shrubs, and trees you could plant;

  • Identifying areas of your woodlot that could be set aside as nature reserve for wildlife;

  • How to protect wetlands and make your shoreline more wildlife-friendly.

For more information about the Conservation Partner Program, click the link below to access our Landowner Stewardship Guide.

To help increase the impact of conservation action in your area and to learn more about the Conservation Partner Program, contact our Conservation Team using the button below, or give us a call at (506) 457-2398.